Swerve connects you to great things to do.
Serving up thousands of events in cities across the US, Swerve is for anyone who wants to get out and do something – a couple planning a date night, a group of friends looking for a club party, or a businessperson attending a conference or networking event. Swerve offers listings for Music & Nightlife; Food & Drink; Speakers & Networking; Art & Museums; Get-togethers; Deals; and Facebook public events. Swerve also makes it easy to share event details and gather friends through social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter, all while on-the-go from your mobile device. Get you Swerve on!
If you are an event organizer, brand sponsor or a local business, please contact [email protected] with inquiries about listing your events, sponsoring categories or offering promotions.
Brought to you by Live Colony Inc.